I didn't post a WIP for a moment cause of Christmas Holidays!
With the help of Amplify Creations and their Amplify Shader, I have now a Shader that allows me to use 3 Texture set with the vertex painting, something that I love is that the 3rd one that I called the "Dirt texture set" is using a Triplanar projection feature, it's perfect for the Snow!
I practically finished all the textures that I needed to do the architecture and I made Bricks that I can place all over the environment as a support for the textures
I need To finish a Second view and other buildings that I'm going to put in the background.
I will Break the silhouette of the buildings more in my Polish session, 1 week before the end of the contest
The contest is finishing in 2 weeks, Already cut a lot of things cause I will not have the time otherwise.
If you have tips or anything tell me!